One million euros in funding for sustainable ideas that could shape our tomorrow, nothing more than a 60-second video for submitting the idea and a headliner jury consisting of Lea-Sophie Cramer, Philipp Westermeyer, Tim Mälzer & Fynn Kliemann. This is the MAKE TOMORROW NEW innovation contest.
A fabulous amount of 1,590 ideas were submitted. Luckily the jury saw some potential in me and my idea and selected me for the top 30. In the subsequent online voting, I was able to convince the community as well and I made it to the top 6. That was my ticket for the spectacular semi-final show with live pitch in front of the jury. In the final online voting, I was able to outperform my fellow competitors and made my way through again. I am proud to be one of the three finalists.
The final will take place in September 2021. Enjoy the great content that has been produced during the contest so far. A big shout out to the initiator, the agencies and the production companies involved.
The top 6 story
The semi-finale pitch
The finale
Still not enough?
OMR, 02.10.2020
Jede Menge Cash für die besten Zukunftsideen
OMR, 05.11.2020
„Am liebsten würde ich jedem einen Teil des Geldes geben“
OMR, 16.04.2021
„Viele Teams hätten es verdient gehabt, ins Finale zu kommen“